Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Relief

Spinal Stenosis Solutions

We have effective solutions for treating spinal stenosis at Skare Spine & Performance

In medical terminology, spinal stenosis is narrowing the spinal canal or the lateral foramen. This narrowing creates compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots, where they exit the spine.

People will spinal stenosis are often referred for decompression surgery or injections. However, we often have excellent results treating this conservatively and avoiding surgery.


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What causes spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis may develop due to age-related changes in the spine, such as osteoarthritis or the formation of bone spurs. Other causes include herniated discs, thickened ligaments, or congenital conditions that affect the shape of the spinal canal. It is usually a result of arthritis and "wear and tear" in the spine throughout our lifetime.

Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis:

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Symptoms:

  • Trouble or discomfort with standing or walking for long periods
  • Back Pain
  • Pain down one of both legs
  • Hip pain
  • Feeling as if you can’t stand up straight


Cervical Spinal Stenosis Symptoms:

  • Neck pain
  • Pain under shoulder blade
  • Pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness into shoulder or down arm
  • Pain with looking up

Treatment for Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis often leads to consideration of orthopedic decompression surgery; however, the good news is that this condition can be effectively managed with proper therapy, often avoiding the need for surgery.

Our approach to treating spinal stenosis:

1. Identifying Pain-Relieving Movements: By performing targeted exercises that flex the lower back, we aim to open the spinal joints, spinal canal, and lateral foramen, providing relief and space for the nerves. McKenzie Movements and Flexion-Distraction often help achieve this.

2. Improving Midback (thoracic) and Hip Mobility: Enhancing mobility in these areas helps distribute forces and motion, reducing pressure on the affected regions of the lower back.

3. Core and Hip Strengthening Exercises play a crucial role in stabilizing the spine and promoting better support and force distribution.

By following these steps, we aim to manage spinal stenosis effectively, enabling you to return to your normal activities without surgery. Our primary goal is to restore your quality of life and help you regain the ability to engage in the activities you enjoy.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

The management of cervical spinal stenosis follows a similar approach to the lumbar region. Our goal is to identify specific movements that alleviate pain and discomfort in your neck.

To achieve this, we focus on:

  1. Identifying Pain-Relieving Movements: We work with you to identify movements and positions that provide relief for your cervical spine and radiating symptoms.

  2. Activating and Strengthening Deep Neck Flexors: We emphasize exercises to activate and strengthen the deep neck flexor muscles, which play a key role in stabilizing the cervical spine.

  3. Improving Midback (Thoracic) Mobility: Enhancing mobility in the midback (thoracic) spine helps distribute movement and stresses more evenly, reducing strain on the cervical spine.

By addressing these key areas, we aim to manage cervical spinal stenosis effectively and improve your overall neck function and comfort.

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Treatment for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Flexion Distraction For Spinal Stenosis

Find Relief For Your Spinal Stenosis Today

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