Functional Rehabilitation

At Skare Spine & Performance, we believe in providing comprehensive care that addresses not just symptoms, but also underlying issues to facilitate long-term recovery and optimal performance. Functional Rehabilitation is designed to restore functional movement patterns, enhance performance, and prevent future injuries by addressing movement dysfunctions and imbalances.


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Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization

Our rehabilitation will help you move and feel your best, whether it's for back, neck, shoulder, knee, or hip pain.

The foundation of our rehab is Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization.

What is DNS?

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) originated in the Czech Republic at the Prague School of Rehabilitation. It's a revolutionary approach to rehabilitation that focuses on the body's innate movement patterns and the development of the nervous system.

DNS is based on the principles of developmental kinesiology, which posits that we are all born with certain innate movement and stability patterns that are essential to our survival and development. These patterns are established during the early stages of life and are controlled by our nervous system.

Newborns have no muscle or joint stability, so they must learn how to utilize muscles around joints for proper stabilization and movement.

However, injuries, chronic pain, and poor posture can disrupt these movement patterns and cause compensations, leading to further dysfunction and pain. DNS seeks to restore these innate movement patterns by re-activating the body's natural stabilization system.

Through a series of exercises and techniques, DNS aims to improve the quality of movement, increase strength and mobility, and reduce pain and inflammation. By restoring the body's natural movement patterns, DNS can also help prevent future injuries and promote overall health and well-being.

One of the central tenants of DNS is called "joint centration." Joint centration means that complete muscle synergy and balance surround the joint.

An example is if your glutes aren't properly activated, it can cause muscles like your hip flexor to over-activate, causing pain and stiffness in your hip and low back.

Another example is if your shoulder girdle isn't properly centrated or stabilized when throwing a baseball, it can leave you more vulnerable to injury.

The same principle applies to your abdominal wall and low back; Another fundamental aspect of DNS is how to utilize the abdominal wall properly. Dysfunction of the abdominal wall correlates with many injuries, especially back pain. When we don't use our abdominal correctly, it causes increased stress on our spine and lumbar muscles. This stress, over time, can lead to pain.


Chiropractic Care and DNS

Chiropractic adjustments and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) can be an effective combination for many patients. Chiropractic adjustments improve the mobility of the spine and other joints. By applying gentle, controlled pressure to a joint, chiropractic adjustments can help restore normal joint movement and function.

On the other hand, DNS is a treatment approach that focuses on the relationship between the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. It uses specific exercises and movements to activate and strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles that support the spine and other joints.

When chiropractic adjustments and DNS are combined, patients can benefit from a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal health. Chiropractic adjustments can help improve joint mobility and reduce pain, while DNS can help improve neuromuscular function and stability. This combination can be particularly effective for patients with chronic pain or dysfunction related to mechanical and neuromuscular issues.

For example, if a patient is experiencing back pain, spinal adjustments reduce restricted spinal joints and improve joint mobility. DNS can then help you improve posture and stability, which can help reduce the risk of further injury or pain.

How can DNS help athletic performance?

DNS can be an effective tool to help improve sports performance by addressing underlying neuromuscular dysfunction that may be limiting athletic ability. It can improve core stability, improving the ability to maintain proper posture and alignment during physical activity.

DNS can also help athletes improve balance and coordination. By activating the deep stabilizing muscles, DNS can improve the body's proprioceptive system, which is responsible for sensing and responding to changes in body position and movement. This improved proprioception can improve balance and coordination, translating to improved athletic performance.

In addition, DNS can help you improve breathing and diaphragm function. Proper breathing is essential for efficient movement and endurance, and DNS exercises can help athletes improve their breathing patterns and diaphragm function, enhancing their overall athletic performance.

Overall, DNS can be an effective tool to help improve sports performance by addressing underlying neuromuscular dysfunction and enhancing core stability, balance, coordination, and breathing function. DNS exercises can be incorporated into an athlete's training regimen to help you achieve your full athletic potential.

Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) for Low Back Pain

This video shows a progression for DNS for low back pain. With their low back pain resolved, we shifted our focus to enhance their strength and stability for a return to weight lifting. Skare Spine and Performance is dedicated to optimizing function and prioritizing long-term injury prevention, and DNS plays a crucial role in our comprehensive approach.

Functional Strength Training

Functional strength training focuses on improving the ability to perform everyday tasks or sports-related movements with ease and efficiency. It is a type of training designed to improve the body's function rather than just focusing on building muscle or increasing strength for the sake of it.

Functional strength training aims to improve the body's ability to move in various planes of motion and build strength that can be applied to everyday tasks or sports-related movements. This type of training can benefit individuals of all fitness levels, from athletes looking to improve their sports performance to older adults looking to maintain their mobility and independence.

Functional strength training can also help improve posture, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance overall physical fitness. By training the body to move more efficiently and effectively, individuals can improve their ability to perform everyday tasks, such as lifting and carrying groceries or playing with their children, with less effort and greater ease.

Overall, functional strength training can provide numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their overall physical function, mobility, and fitness.


Home Exercises

Home exercises often include Mckenzie Method movements, simple at-home DNS, or functional strength exercises to speed up healing.

We give every patient easy at-home exercises to help speed up care and provide you with control over your own health. 


"Great experience - very different from other chiropractors that I've been to! Dr. Skare took his time and was very thorough determining, explaining and treating problem areas. He also provided stretches and exercises for me to do. I highly recommend Dr. Skare!"

Sandy M., Rochester

You want results quicker, which our rehab in Rochester helps with. We give you the tools to keep your pain from coming back.

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